Your Recovery And Health Come First At The AMERICAN HEADACHE INSTITUTE in Rochester Hills

american headache institute treatment
A Very Warm Welcome Awaits Your AMERICAN HEADACHE INSTITUTE “Excellence in Patient Care” Experience

Tired of drugs, injections, and diet restrictions? Our totally new medical concept empowers patients to relieve or abolish their own headache, migraine, tinnitus, jaw clenching or TMJ pain, and many other oral-facial symptoms.

The AMERICAN HEADACHE INSTITUTE in Rochester Hills is the only head and facial pain treatment center in the country focused primarily on the cervical spine (neck) for both patient treatment and professional education. Our treatment centers offer patients this effective, cutting-edge treatment option, while our seminar series teaches doctors and medical professionals (nationwide) this research-based medical approach.

Over 50% of our patients experience complete abolishment of all head and facial pain in the first visit. No Drugs. No Injections.

Our Success

This place actually changed my life. Angelo was awesome. Their pain management methods are unlike any others. They really are one in a million. I was taught how to maintain proper posture in everything that I do from sitting, standing, laying down, even brushing my teeth.

Jill M.

I am a retired dentist and at the end of my dental career I was in so much pain in different areas of my body that I didn’t know what was going on. Thanks to Angelo and Scott at the American Headache Institute, the exercise regimen/treatment plan they put me on was life changing!

Dr. Kakos

So thankful to have been referred to AHI by my neurologist. I have dealt with headaches and migraines most of my life and have now been going to AHI for just over three months. Today, I am 100 days migraine free! I am down to only one low-grade headache a week.

Katie Cu.

I was referred to the American Headache Institute by my dentist for facial and neck pain. I had already tried traditional physical therapy without much improvement. I was skeptical at first, because the treatment was not the same as regular therapy, but the results were amazing!

Linda M.

At age 30, I was told I had fibromyalgia and for 20 plus years I tried everything (Physical therapy, surgeries, yoga, chiropractic, and medications) possible to manage the neck, shoulder, and headache pain. The treatment was very unconventional, and I had serious doubts at first, but after 5 months of treatment I felt like this was a miracle for me. Four years later, still pain free.

Michelle B.

Video Testimonials

American Headache Institute
American Headache Institute
American Headache Institute
American Headache Institute

Healthy Solutions For A Pain-free Life

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